Rhema Family Christian Centre opened as Amanzimtoti Christian Centre in April 2010, shortly after being released from Littlefalls Christian Centre, where we were blessed to pastor one of LFCC`S Great Commission Churches; Krugersdorp West Christian Centre for two years. During our precious time at KWCC we planted West Village Christian Centre, and heeded Gods call to go forth and plant churches, hence Amanzimtoti Christian Centre was birthed by the fulfilment of the prophecy :
Kevin and Susan Prophesy 5 August 2009. Pastor Ted Pyle.
I have called you for such a time like this, for there is much to do. I have placed the vision in your heart. It is for this appointed time. It is I and Only I who would be the architect of the final manifestation of this vision. Some have sat on the side-line of mediocrity, and have not seen the fulfilment, of that which I have called you to,-nor have they seen the fulfilment of their own dreams.
I have witnessed the passion of your hearts, and the challenges that have hindered you. I have seen that which you have laid aside to follow the course that has been set before you. Know this that, that which seems impossible to man in these worldly times of lack and recession, will be the platform, from which I will cause you to spring forth into which I have set before you. And many will be amazed to see the ordinary become extraordinary, and the natural become supernatural.
While you look at the things which are not seen and press through to the realms of the impossible, it is then that I will provide the provision for the vision. Do not be swayed by the circumstances, but be led by the vision, and the Course set before you at this time. It is that which I have placed within you that will open the doors to the impossible. Set your heart on the higher things of my Kingdom. As you begin to fix your eyes upon me, I will begin to manifest my presence in your midst, and many will be astounded by what they see and hear.
Go forth, go forth, and I will, will light your path, and the way for you will be made clear.
We are grateful and thankful to the Pastoral staff from LFCC, who have mentored, guided and spoken into our lives and ministry over the years.
Pastor Harold`s teaching and mentorship of the WORD, has been uncompromising, coupled with his principles on prayer and prophecy have become a rock solid foundation of true Biblical discipleship in our lives.
For the past three and a half years we have grown and prospered under the covering of Five Fold Ministries International, and are gratefully thankful and appreciative to Pastor Harold as the founder of FFMI and to Pastor Stephen Lamprecht, the general secretary of FFMI for this fruitful season in our lives.
As a young starting Church, we have desired a closer ministry flow with an accountability covering in Kwa Zulu Natal, and once again the prophetic word of God has come to pass with the following Word: Jeremiah 3:15 “‘And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.
After much prayer and confirmation, Amanzimtoti Christian Centre joined Rhema Family Church in November 2013 under the covering of IFCC (International Federation of Christian Churches) We are a family Church and share the same kindled, so it has been a natural progression for Amanzimtoti Christian Centre to flow into becoming RHEMA FAMILY CHRISTIAN CENTRE as of February 2014.
We are excited for the new seasons that lay ahead for RFCC , together with the Rhema Family churches, of which there are ten in the Kwa Zulu Natal region, we remain committed to the four pillars of the RFC VISION being: Evangelistically Potent; Spiritually Vibrant: Prophetically Relevant and Socially Significant.