Getting our Children Excited About Church.
Children are a gift from God,and it is our duty,to bring them to God.They are just lend to us, they all belong to God.
At RFCC, activities to teach important biblical lessons are fun, while keeping kids completely engaged. In a way, fun Sunday school activities allows not only participation and excitement, but understanding of the word of God.
Children often look at attending Church as a chore that must be done. At RFCC we are aware of this. If you are trying to raise your children to believe in God and want them to learn more about Jesus Christ, Sunday School is important. They should enjoy and look forward to going to Church.
RFCC Sunday school aim at making learning about God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit, fun and educational for kids. Many not only include class learning sessions but games, dancing acting, living out activities, and even a chance to participate in plays and musicals. They are given certificates, medals.The more fun your children have learning about your believe, the more they will look forward to going each week.
Parents should be aware of the children’s activities, while allowing young ones to express themselves. Youth should try and plan activities not only for Sundays, but weekend evenings as well. Movie nights, pizza parties, and sports days are all great ways to get teens involved in a youth group.
If your children, no matter what age, have questions about God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit, It is important that you address them no matter how insignificant they may seem. Learning is part of the experience of childhood and keeping their minds engaged is vital. Start taking your children to church at a young age and make sure that there are plenty of activities and special events for them to enjoy.
But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 19:14 ESV
Sunday School Teachers
For the Kids
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Sunday School
The Bible does not mention the Sunday school. The idea of teaching, however, is present in the New Testament Greek word paideia and is translated “nurture” in Ephesians 6:4. This word is also translated “instruct” and “chastise” and has the idea of correction and instruction. This is also the purpose of the Word of God. We read in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that the word of God is profitable for teaching (which is the meaning of the word doctrine), for reproof, for correction and instruction so that the believer is equipped to obey God.