Rhema Family Christian Centre’s Home Fellowship Groups run once a week on a Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.
We are a cell church that patterns itself according to the early church found in Acts 2:42 -47
We are passionate about your personal growth in the Lord, and it is our desire for you to achieve the fullness of what God has called you to be. Our Vision is to disciple and nurture believers to step out into the gifting, talents and calling that the Lord has placed within each of us. Fellowship and the joy of belonging to a caring supportive Fellowship group structure will bring forth a lifetime of friendship and Christian significance in our community.
Our Fellowship groups meet weekly in your area, and welcome you to join us and experience this vibrant way of life. It is important in your Christian walk to stay connected to the body of Christ, which is the local church. If you have not yet connected to a local congregation, we extend a warm welcome to you and your family to prayerfully consider making Rhema Family Christian Centre your spiritual home.
The Fellowship of the Believers
- Ac 2:42 – They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
- Ac 2:43 – Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.
- Ac 2:44 – All the believers were together and had everything in common.
- Ac 2:45 – Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.
- Ac 2:46 – Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
- Ac 2:47 – Praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
A Cell group is
- A New Testament form of church life where prayer, discipleship, leadership training, worship, exercising the gifts, edification and witness takes place.
- The basic building block of the church with a community of 7 – 15 persons, moving constantly from house to house.
- Indwelt and empowering by Christ to edify the Body, equipping the people for ministry and evangelizing the lost.
- The “Body of Christ”. It will by nature reach out in ministry and witness to hurting people in the world.
- Directed by Christ to serve one another through the effective and Biblical use of spiritual gifts.
- Focused on prayer as central to it’s life and effectiveness.
- Committed to the Bible as it’s sole authority for life, faith and experience.
- Part of the total church and joins with other cells for celebrative worship and congregational ministry, missions and training..
- Lead by a cell leader and Intern who keep the focus on Christ and co-ordinate the spiritual nurturing of each member.
Nine values of the Cell Church
1. Evangelism
Praying for and reaching out to the lost for Christ’s sake.
2. Relationships
Building strong bonds between members of the Local Body of Christ.
3. Transparency
Being open to others in a trusting environment. People need to be able to release inner conflict and anxiety.
4. Trust
Promoting confidentiality and security through transparency of members of the group.
5. Availability
Being there for each other as needs arise in our lives.
6. Purity
Living pure and honest lives before God and each other for the testimony of Christ and the Group.
7. Awareness
Being sensitive to each other’s needs and concerns.
8. Accountability
Being responsible and answerable to each other for words and actions both in and away from the group.
9. Growth
Knowing that it’s God’s will for the Group to be fruitful and multiply and willing to release others in the Group to pursue their ministry calling.